11 research outputs found

    Anti-neutrofila cytoplasmatiska antikroppar (ANCA) hos hund

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    Anti-neutrofila cytoplasmatiska antikroppar (ANCA) Àr en specifik typ av autoantikroppar som riktar sig mot innehÄllet i cytoplasmatiska granula hos neutrofila granulocyter. PÄ humansidan Àr de i hög grad associerade med sjukdomar som förlöper med vaskulit. FÄ studier har dock gjorts om dess relevans inom veterinÀrmedicin. MÄlet med studien var att utvÀrdera förekomsten av ANCA hos hundar med steroid-responsiv meningit-arterit (SRMA) samt immunemediated rheumatic disease (IMRD) för att undersöka om dessa kan anvÀndas som en ny diagnostisk markör för sjukdomar som förlöper med vaskulit. Serum samlades in frÄn 17 hundar med SRMA och 6 hundar med IMRD och analyserades via indirekt immunofluorescens samt enzyme-linked immunosorent assay. Via indirekt immunofluorescens analyserades varje prov med tvÄ olika fixeringar: etanolfixerade granulocyter samt formalinfixerade granulocyter. Det gjordes för att enklare kunna skilja mellan ANCA och antinukleÀra antikroppar (ANA). Majoriteten av alla prover (28 av 30) var Ätminstone svagt positiva för antingen c-ANCA eller p-ANCA vid etanolfixering. En cutoff pÄ 1:100 valdes för etanolfixering, samt 1:10 för formalinfixering. Av hundarna med SRMA var 2 positiva för c-ANCA vid formalinfixering. Av hundarna med IMRD var 4 positiva för p-ANCA vid etanolfixering samt 3 positiva för c-ANCA vid formalinfixering. Endast en av dessa hundar, tillhörande gruppen med IMRD, var positiv bÄde vid formalin och etanolfixering. Samtliga ANCA-positiva prover var negativa för bÄde MPO och/eller PR3 med ELISA. Tre av fyra p-ANCA-positiva hundar var positiva Àven för ANA. FrÄn studier av ANCA hos mÀnniskor har det visat sig att det kan vara svÄrt att skilja ANA frÄn p-ANCA. Mycket Àr fortfarande oklart angÄende ANCA hos hund. Eventuell interferens av ANA vid immunofluorescens-teknik vid samtidig nÀrvaro av p-ANCA gör att vidare studier krÀvs för att faststÀlla relevansen och de diagnostiska möjligheterna för ANCA hos hundar.Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) is a specific type of autoantibody directed towards the contents of cytoplasmic granules in neutrophil granulocytes. In humans the antibodies are highly associated with diseases progressing with vasculitis. Few studies have been carried out on the relevance of ANCA in veterinary medicine. The aim of the study was to evaluate the presence of ANCA in dogs with steroid-responsive meningitis-arteritis (SRMA) and immune-mediated rheumatic disease (IMRD) to evaluate whether ANCA can be used as a new diagnostic marker in dogs in diseases progressing with small vessel vasculitis. Serum was collected from 17 dogs with SRMA and 6 with IMRD and analyzed through indirect immunefluorescence as well as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The majority of all samples (28 out of 30) were at the very least slightly positive for either cANCA or p-ANCA on ethanolfixation. A cutoff of 1:100 was chosen for ethanolfixation and 1:10 for formalinefixation. Out of the dogs suffering from SRMA, 2 were positive for c-ANCA with formalinefixation. Out of the dogs suffering from IMRD, 4 were positive for p-ANCA with ethanolfixation and 3 were positive with formalinefixation. Only one of these dogs, belonging to the IMRD-group, was positive both with formaline and ethanolfixation. All the ANCA-positive dogs were negative for PR3 as well as MPO through ELISA. Three out of four p-ANCA-positive dogs were also positive to ANA. Studies on ANCA in humans have shown that it can be difficult to distinguish ANA from p-ANCA. Much is still unknown concerning ANCA in dogs. Possible interference of ANA during immunofluorescence-analysis of p-ANCA leads to more research needing to be done in order to determine the relevance and diagnostic possibilities of ANCA in dogs

    The anthropogenic threat against the whale shark (Rhincodon typus)

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    Valhajen (Rhincodon typus) Ă€r vĂ„r tids största fisk och nĂ„r ofta en lĂ€ngd av 12 meter. Arten Ă„terfinns nĂ€ra kusten sĂ„ vĂ€l som ute pĂ„ öppet hav i temperaturer, i varmt till tropiskt vatten. Över 80 % av dess tid spenderas pĂ„ djup grundare Ă€n 20 meter vilket gör den utsatt för bland annat ekoturism, fiske och fartygskollisioner. Dess lĂ„ngsamma mognad gör att Ă€ven mindre minskningar av dess population kan fĂ„ betydande konsekvenser för artens fortsatta överlevnad och gör Ă„terhĂ€mtning av populationsnivĂ„n lĂ„ngdragen. Idag Ă€r arten klassad som utrotningshotad pĂ„ IUCN:s rödlista vĂ€rlden över. Vad som behöver göras för att sĂ€kerstĂ€lla dess överlevnad försvĂ„ras ytterligare av de brister i kunskap vi i dagslĂ€get besitter. Deras reproduktion och var de befinner sig större delen av deras liv Ă€r Ă€n idag okĂ€nt. Syftet med litteraturstudien Ă€r att undersöka de antropogent orsakade hoten mot valhajen, dĂ€rigenom bedöma om artens fortsatta överlevnad Ă€r hotad och eventuella Ă„tgĂ€rder för att förhindra dess utrotning. Fiske och bifĂ„ngst av valhaj Ă€r idag det största hotet mot valhaj, det trots förbud i flertalet lĂ€nder. Idag fiskas valhaj i liten skala lokalt i lĂ€nder sĂ„som Kenya, dĂ€r bland annat oljan frĂ„n deras lever anvĂ€nds för att förhindra angrepp av skeppsmask pĂ„ bĂ„tar. BifĂ„ngst Ă€r relativt ovanligt men sker dĂ€remot i alla lĂ€nder dĂ€r valhaj Ă„terfinns. Mortaliteten Ă€r lĂ„g men eventuella effekter sĂ„som stress kan pĂ„verka dessa individer lĂ„ngsiktigt. Ett totalförbud mot alla valhajsprodukter Ă€r att föredra. NĂ€stan 90 % av alla valhajar har erhĂ„llit nĂ„gon typ av skada. Av dessa kan 25 % attribueras till kollision med fartyg. PĂ„ grund av valhajars tunna subkutana fettlager sjunker de fortare Ă€n mĂ„nga andra större marina djur sĂ„som valar. MĂ„nga dödsfall gĂ„r dĂ€rmed sĂ€kerligen oupptĂ€ckta. I takt med att fler fartyg rör sig i vĂ„ra hav med bĂ„de större storlek och ökad hastighet kan en begrĂ€nsning av farleder behövas dĂ„ valhajen samlas pĂ„ kustnĂ€ra platser. DĂ„ valhajen Ă€r en filtrerare Ă€r den utsatt för brĂ„te som flyter pĂ„ havsytan, sĂ„som plast. Med en smal matstrupe riskerar Ă€ven mindre plastbitar att göra stor skada. Dödsfall har setts med plastbitar med en storlek av 5x5 cm. DĂ„ mĂ€ngden plast i havet tros fortsĂ€tta öka de nĂ€rmaste Ă„ren Ă€r det ett problem som troligen ytterligare kommer att vĂ€xa. Ekoturism Ă€r möjligtvis största hoppet för arten, dĂ„ en levande valhaj kan inbringa en större ekonomisk vinst Ă€n en död. Valhajars respons pĂ„ turism varierar frĂ„n undvikande beteende till ogiltighet. BegrĂ€nsningar för ekoturism bör sĂ€ttas för att sĂ€kerstĂ€lla minimal mĂ€nsklig pĂ„verkan, framförallt dĂ„ ekoturismens lĂ„ngsiktiga pĂ„verkan inte Ă€nnu Ă€r uttrĂ€tt MĂ€nniskan Ă€r det största hotet mot valhaj i nulĂ€get. Trots redan genomförda Ă„tgĂ€rder sĂ„som förbud av fiske kan, om inte ytterligare Ă„tgĂ€rder tas, arten riskera att dö ut i en alltför snar framtid.The whale shark (Rhincodon typus) is the largest living fish in the ocean, often reaching up to 12 meters in length. It is found in all oceans across the globe with warm to tropical temperatures, both close to shore as well as in the open ocean. More than 80 % of its time is spent in depths shallower than 20 meters which makes it vulnerable to fishing, ecotourism, and ship collisions. Human induced mortality poses a great threat to the whale shark due to its slow maturation and long generation interval. Recovery from a substantial diminish in population numbers will most certainly be lengthy. Today the species is classified as endangered on The IUCN Red List of Threatened SpeciesTM. Our own lack of knowledge of the species further complicates any decisions of what measures needs to be taken to save the species. As of today, their reproduction as well as where they spend most of their lives largely remains a mystery. This study aims to examine the anthropogenic threats against the whale shark and decide if, and possibly what further actions need to be taken to ensure the survival of the species. Fishing and bycatch remains the biggest threat to the species. Today no large-scale fishery of whale shark is officially being carried out in any country. However local small-scale fisheries in e.g. Kenya, where the liver of the whale shark is used to prevent shipworm infestation, as well as bycatch all over the world is a present threat. The mortality for bycatch is low but long-term effects of individual whale sharks that are caught might potentially pose a threat to the continued survival of the species as suggested by studies performed on bone-fishes (Teleostei). Almost 90 % of whale sharks shows signs of scarring, 25 % of those can be attributed to ship collisions. As the ship traffic increases so does reasonably the collision incidents. The subcutaneous layer of the whale sharks is thin leading to them sinking faster than other large marine species. Many deaths might therefore go unnoticed. Regulating the traffic, especially close to places of whale shark aggregation, might be needed to diminish incidents. The whale shark, as a filter-feeder, is at risk of swallowing plastic and other debris floating at the surface. With a small esophagus, even small pieces with a size of 5x5 centimeter might be potentially deadly. As human waste reaching the ocean increases so does the threat against the whale shark. Ecotourism might be the biggest hope to save the species by ensuring that the whale sharks are more valuable alive than dead. Individuals differ greatly in their response to ecotourism however some sharks show behavior of avoidance. Limitations in human interaction for ecotourists might reduce possible long term effects. Humans are at present the greatest threat against the whale shark. Despite already taken measures more has to be done to ensure the survival of the species or the whale shark most likely will suffer extinction in the too soon future


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    A compression garment for providing an adjustable pressure towards a body part is disclosed. The compression garment comprises a unitary single sheet of elastic material arranged to encircle the full circumference of a body part, such as a limb or the head. The sheet is folded or arranged to be folded in at least one predefined way, so that the folding forms one or more defined overlap(s) forming at least two overlaying layers of the sheet encircling the full circumference of a part of the body part. Hereby, the pressure profile of the garment can easily be adjusted by making use of the garment in different folded configurations. Markings may further be provided to provide guidance towards the predefined ways of folding

    An Innovative Compression System Providing Low, Sustained Resting Pressure and High, Efficient Working Pressure

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    Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) can cause considerable morbidity and reduced quality of life. Compression therapy, such as bandages and stockings, is the cornerstone and golden standard in the prevention and treatment of CVI today. It is also shown that compression used after the healing of ulcers, reduces the rate of recurrence. It has been found that compression products with a stiff, non-elastic material, are essential for an improved haemodynamic effect, indicating that low resting pressure and high working pressure is vital, in order to achieve the most effective and well tolerated compression treatment. However, one great challenge is that by applying a stiff bandage, either as a single component or as a part in a multi-component product, one always adds, a not so easily quantified, resting pressure. In order to achieve the most effective treatment it is easy to apply the bandage in a too tight and uneven manner, often resulting in painful resting pressures. In earlier studies, it has been shown that common for todays practice is that the compression treatment is dependent on the applier and that only about 10% of the healthcare personnel managers to apply a pre-defined target bandage pressure. It has also been shown that the applied pressures decrease in effectiveness, only after a couple of hours, due to e.g. oedema reduction, resulting in poor compression treatment over time

    Silver in the "odor free" clothing : a stinky solution - A study of antibacterial treatments based on silver salts from an environmental, health and consumer perspective

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    Genom ökad anvĂ€ndning pĂ„ trĂ€ningsklĂ€der har antibakteriella behandlingar blivit allt vanligare för den allmĂ€nna konsumenten. Dessa plagg marknadsförs ofta som antibakte-riella eller luktfria, men det som inte framgĂ„r Ă€r vilka Ă€mnen som anvĂ€nds för att uppnĂ„ den luktfria effekten. Vanligt förekommande Ă€r de behandlingar som Ă€r baserade pĂ„ oorganiska silversalter. Medan leverantörerna av dessa produkter argumenterar för, argumenterar mĂ„nga miljövetare och forskare pĂ„ bakterier emot antibakteriella produk-ter dĂ„ dessa kan ha en skadlig inverkan pĂ„ vĂ„r miljö och hĂ€lsa. Rapporten syftar till att ge större kunskap kring miljö- och hĂ€lsopĂ„verkan vid anvĂ€ndandet av textiler behandlade med silversalter samt till att analysera konsumenters instĂ€llning till antibakteriella klĂ€der samt deras anvĂ€ndar- och tvĂ€ttvanor för trĂ€ningsklĂ€der. Rapporten söker svar pĂ„ om fördelarna med dessa silversaltbaserade antibakteriella behandlingar övervĂ€ger nackde-larna. Insamlad teori inom omrĂ„det har sammanstĂ€llts för att sedan testas mot empirin i form av intervjuer, enkĂ€tundersökning och anvĂ€ndartest. De antibakteriella behandling-arna verkar oftast genom controlled-release principen vilken innebĂ€r att tillförsel av fukt krĂ€vs för att de verksamma antibakteriella Ă€mnena ska aktiveras och förgöra eller hĂ€mma bakterietillvĂ€xten pĂ„ tyget. Tester har visat att varje gĂ„ng ett behandlat plagg tvĂ€ttas lĂ€cker en del av de bakteriedödande silverjonerna ut i vĂ„rt allmĂ€nna avlopp och en del hamnar pĂ„ övriga textilier i tvĂ€ttmaskinen. En del av silverjonerna förenar sig i avloppsvattnet med svaveljoner och bildar den svĂ„rlösliga föreningen silversulfid. Silver i jonform Ă€r mycket giftigt för vattenlevande organismer och kan orsaka skadliga lĂ„ng-tidseffekter pĂ„ vattenmiljö och lĂ€tt bioackumuleras. Forskare har undersökt hur anvĂ€ndaren av plagg behandlade med silverjoner pĂ„verkas. De drar som slutsats av studien att hudens naturliga bakterieflora och mikroklimat förblir nĂ€stintill opĂ„verkade och klassar dĂ€rför den antibakteriella textilen som anvĂ€ndarsĂ€ker. Ytterligare forskning har dock visat att bakterier har förmĂ„ga att utveckla resistens mot silver pĂ„ samma sĂ€tt som mot antibiotika. Ökad anvĂ€ndning av silver i konsumentprodukter skulle dĂ€rför kunna bidra till en ökad spridning av antibiotikaresistens. Ett sĂ€ljargument som anvĂ€nds av flera marknadsaktörer Ă€r den minskade energi- och vattenförbrukningen i anvĂ€ndar-fasen, dĂ„ konsumenten inte behöver tvĂ€tta ett antibakteriellt plagg lika ofta som ett obehandlat. För att ta reda pĂ„ om argumentet stöds i praktiken genomfördes en enkĂ€t-undersökning. UtifrĂ„n enkĂ€tsvaren framgĂ„r det tydligt att dessa behandlingar varken pĂ„verkar anvĂ€ndar- eller tvĂ€ttvanor och inte heller Ă€r nĂ„got som efterfrĂ„gas av konsu-menten i första hand vid inköp av trĂ€ningsklĂ€der. Ett anvĂ€ndartest genomfördes för att undersöka om den antibakteriella behandlingen gör nĂ„gon mĂ€rkbar skillnad för anvĂ€n-daren, genom att minska den dĂ„liga odören pĂ„ plagget. Slutsatsen drogs att det inte Ă€r nĂ„gon markant skillnad pĂ„ ett behandlat respektive obehandlat trĂ€ningsplagg. Baserat pĂ„ de teoretiska fakta om silverjoners negativa pĂ„verkan pĂ„ miljö och mĂ€nniskors hĂ€lsa, frĂ€mst i form av risk för utveckling av resistenta bakterier, samt grundat pĂ„ de empiriska resultaten frĂ„n anvĂ€ndartest och enkĂ€t sĂ„ dras slutsatsen att fördelarna inte övervĂ€ger nackdelarna med dessa behandlingar och det rekommenderas starkt att inte anvĂ€nda nĂ„gon antibakteriell behandling innehĂ„llande silversalter.Through increased use on sport clothing, antibacterial treatments have become increas-ingly common for the general consumer. These are often marketed as antibacterial and odor-free, but what is not clear is what kind of substances that are used to achieve the odor-free effect. Usually these are based on inorganic silver salts. While suppliers of antibacterial products advocates these, many scientists in environmental science and bacteriological research discourage to the use as they may have an adverse impact on our environment and health. The report aims to provide greater knowledge about environmental and health impacts from the use of fabrics treated with silver salts, and to analyze consumer’s attitude to antibacterial clothes and their patterns of behavior and laundry habits for sport clothes. The report seeks to answer if the benefits of these silver salt-based antibacterial treatments outweigh the disadvantages. Collected theory in the field was compiled and then tested against empirical data in the form of inter-views, survey and consumer test. Laboratory tests have shown that each time a treated garment is washed some of the antimicrobial silver ions leaks into our public sewage and some sticks to other textiles in the washing machine. Some of the silver ions combine in the wastewater with sulfur ions to form the insoluble compound silver sulfide. Silver in ionic form is highly toxic to aquatic organisms and can cause long term adverse effects on aquatic life and easily bioaccumulate. Researchers have examined how users of garments treated with silver ions are affected. They draw as conclusion from the study that the skin's natural bacterial flora and micro-climate will remain unaffected and, therefore, categorizes the antibacterial fabrics as safe for the consumer. Further re-search has shown that bacteria have the ability to develop resistance to silver in the same way as to antibiotics. Increased use of silver in consumer products could therefore contribute to a greater spread of antibiotic resistance. A common sales argument used by many market participants is the reduced energy and water consumption in the con-sumer phase, where consumers do not need to wash antibacterial clothes as often as untreated. To find out if the argument is supported in practice, a survey was conducted. Based on the survey responses, it is clear that these treatments do not affect the con-sumer’s behavior in use or washing habits and is not demanded primarily by the consumer for the purchase of sport clothes. A consumer test was conducted to investi-gate whether the antibacterial treatment make any noticeable difference to the user, by reducing the bad odor in the clothes. It was concluded that there is no marked differ-ence in the treated and untreated sport clothes. Based on the theoretical facts about silver ions negative impact on the environment and human health, especially involving the risk of development of resistant bacteria, and based on the empirical results from consumer test and survey, it is concluded that the benefits of silver salt-based treat-ments do not outweigh the disadvantages and it is highly recommended to not use any antibacterial treatment containing silver salts.Program: Textil produktutveckling med entreprenörs- och affĂ€rsinriktnin

    A Kit And Therapeutic Pressure Assembly With Patches For Applying Pressure To A Limb Or Other Body Part

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    A kit for making a limb or other body part encircling therapeutic device, for applying dynamic and/or static pressure to said limb/body part. The kit comprises: a garment or bandage encircling the limb/body part, and preferably applying a compression to said limb/body part; and a plurality of patches being releasably attachable to each other and to said garment or bandage. The patches are releasably attachable to each other at overlap areas when arranged at least partly overlapping each other. Hereby, the garment may, if desired, be used to provide a continuous, static pressure to the limb/body part, whereas the patches can form a patch layer providing primarily a dynamic pressure. Hereby, the pressure properties and profile may be controlled easily and very precisely. A corresponding method, patch and therapeutic pressure assembly are also disclosed

    A bandage securing device

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    A bandage securing device comprises a first sheet part and a second sheet part, and optionally also a third sheet part. The first and second sheet parts are connected to each other along a connection line extending in a width direction and arranged to overlap each other, thereby forming a jaw-like structure in a longitudinal direction. At least one of said first and second sheet parts, and possibly both, are provided with at least one first adherent fastening layer on an internal surface facing said overlap. Further, the bandage securing device comprises at least one second adherent fastening layer on an external surface, not facing said overlap, to detachably connect to the bandage. This second adherent fastening layer may be provided on one of the first and second sheet parts, and/or on the third sheet part